The Society for Global Sustainability: TISEOK Branch is a cross-country initiative designed to educate youth, particularly aged 14-17, about the 17 UNSDGs, how these are being violated and how they can take action.

Annual Report
Mega Plastic Collection Drive (Phase - II)
â—‹ Date: 18 to 30 April 2022
â—‹ Poster on achool’s instagram:
â—‹ Went into classes to motivate students to participate
â—‹ Pasted poster around the school campus
â—‹ Interaction with coordinator from ICPE
â—‹ All students who contributed to the campaign received a certificate from ICPE
Environment Week and Earth Day 2022
Date: 18 to 22 April 2022
One topic decided for each day of the week, announcements made from the office about the topic
Activities conducted class wise (virtual tour to Kaziranga National Park, Quizzes on SDGs, Poster Making)
Conducted interviews of students to know their views on Sustainable Living
Videos made by society members and uploaded on the school’s instagram account
Teaser Poster for the week: https://www.instagram.com/p/Ccidm4HhuPd/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
Environment Week celebrations: https://www.instagram.com/tv/CcnkAxnBnbK/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
Earth Day Video: https://www.instagram.com/tv/Ccp5Qb-BOzs/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

World Environment Day 2022
Society members made videos to spread the message of sustainability which were posted on social media

#NoSoilNoFood Movement
The members of the society joined the #NoSoilNoFood Hour from 8-9 PM on Monday,
13 June 2022, an initiative of @conciousplanet. They posted a picture with an empty plate to show that there is no way to grow enough crops to provide nutritious food for everyone if soil conservation is not taken seriously. To ensure that we don't run out of food to eat, it is crucial to prevent soil degradation and conserve soil.

Constructed Vertical Nutritional Garden (summervacation project)
Students created planters from old plastic bottles by growing plants like chili , spinach, red and yellow lentils, carom seeds etc., which were then turned into a beautiful Nutritional Garden in school.Instagram post link:https://www.instagram.com/p/CgmaHU0BhMD/utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

Attended Fair organised by Department of Environment,
GNCTD for Phasing out Single-Use Plastics at Thyagraj Indoor Stadium
Date: 31 June 2022
Department of Environment, GNCTD organized a three-day Fair/Mela event to
encourage and promote start-ups/ entrepreneurs/ SHGs/ traders/ manufacturersassociations/ institutions etc. who are involved in supply chain and production of alternatives to single-use plastic products. The Hon'ble Minister (Environment and Forests) inaugurated the event.
Future Climate Leaders Program
The students of the society are participating in The Future Climate Leaders program
which is being conducted in collaboration with Evergreen a storytelling platform.
It strives to: Educate the student leaders with knowledge; Empower and mentor them to take action to reduce CO2e emissions at home, school, or in communities; Reward the
student leaders with demonstrated direct carbon emission reductions at the New Delhi Summit and Motivate the students to take up climate change-focused career pathways.

Attended #TogetherWeCan Meetup organised by the Cause Because Community on 25 November 2022
